Friday, July 01, 2011

June Recap!

2 posts in 1 day? What is this madness?  Just had to finish out the week/month with my June stats analysis.  It was a good month, things are finally back on the upswing.

Miles run: 159.0
Rest days taken: 5 [+ 2 days when I ran/walked less than 3 miles with Andrew]
Differential from May: +55.2 miles
Highest mileage week: 40.5 [6/20-6/26]
Races: 1, an surprisingly solid 5K!

Current read: Song of the Silk Road - Mingmei Yip
Actually just finished this one, while I wasn't always a fan of the writing style (kind of awkward and overly descriptive at times) I got totally sucked into the story and ended up really enjoying it!

Current guilty pleasure:

Sigh. Lady Gaga, you scare me, but I am completely obsessed with this song.  Also, RIP Clarence Clemons.

Current excitement: Starting my last real-person-job free summer!
Oh, and the fact that my beloved training website,, just added a training plans feature. Because I am an epic nerd. :)

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